Risalah Foundation: Fundraising for the Fez (Mother) Zawiya

The "Overseas Scholar", Abdullah el-Haddad, runs a Zawiya in Fez, Morocco. Mureeds from all over the world often visited the fake shaykh at the Zawiya. Ramzy Ajem had been spearheading fundraising efforts for the "Mother Zawiya" ( Ramzy Ajem's words referring to >Abdullah el-Haddad's Zawiya). Other Zawiyas:

With the exception of the Mother Zawiya and Ramzy Ajem, all the Zawiyas opened after 2010 and before 2019. How many real students did they produce in those nine years? It's all a recruiting machine, like a multi-level marketing scheme. First, recruit someone who can pull in mureeds. Once the recruit has enough mureeds and sign-ups, he becomes a Muqaddam. The Muqaddam now has to find a master recruiter of mureeds (one with great charisma and spiritual talent) so he can become a shaykh.

This picture is taken in the Mother Zawiya. Ramzy Ajem, "overseas scholar", visiting mureeds, and others seen in the picture attending a majlis.

Risalah Foundation

July 2017: Shura Council of Zawiya Affairs (SCOZA, GTA).

Ramzy Ajem: "The purpose of SCOZA is to serve the needs of the fuqarah and to ensure continuity of (GTA) Tariqa activities not just for years to come, but for decades and centuries ahead."

What is this Tariqa Ramzy talking about? What is this Zawiya in the Masjid? What's the Khalwa room for? "Sidi Shaykh Visiting", "private gatherings", and "hosting Mawsims"? All of the Sidis listed below are Muqaddams of the Tariqa.

Risalah Foundation Risalah Foundation

2016/2017: Friends of Fez Zawiya

Screenshots of emails and documents attached discussing the "Mother Zawiya" and various fundraising efforts by Ramzy Ajem with core members of the Tariqa.
Ramzy Ajem assigning tasks to representatives of the Shaykh.

"Key Representatives of Sidi Shaykh Abdallah El-Haddad" are Muqaddams in the Tariqa.

Risalah Foundation Risalah Foundation Risalah Foundation

2018: Friends of Fez Zawiya and Annual Mawsim

Using Risalah Foundation resources for Tariqa operations. Tariqa that we have "no idea about."
More fundraising for Friends of Fez Zawiya. Ramzy Ajem representing the Shaykh and inviting the Fuqara to the Annual Mawsim.

Ramzy Ajem referring to Masjid Vaughan as the Zawiya.

Risalah Foundation Risalah Foundation

Note: Investigators will have access to all of these documents. I have tons more.

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